Introducing Farifteh V. Robb

From the beautiful city of Edinburgh


I discovered writing late in life.  It happened after I was encouraged to write my memoir by a distant relative in the USA—Jim Holmes, a man of faith and great online skills.  A thousand transatlantic emails went to and fro between us before my memoir was published.  Since then I’ve become braver in putting pen to paper, and am now venturing online!



Faith is belief in the assurance of things not seen. I believe in God who created me, who chooses to love me, and who guides me to love and serve others.  I know that one day He will call me to Himself. I cannot separate myself from my faith—it is intertwined within my identity.  Without faith I am nothing.  It is everything to me.

MORE. . .

What's in a Name?

Farifteh is the Persian name I was given at birth. It means “enchanted by love”.  It’s a difficult name for Europeans to pronounce or spell correctly. Early on it was shortened to Frif, later evolving into Frith, and Frith has stuck.  I think Frith is simple enough to get right, but it’s surprising the number of times I am called Firth, Fritz, Frish, Fizz… (even auto-corrected to Froth!)  I’m happy to be known as Frith, but my true identity will always be Farifteh.

To order a copy of this book from Amazon, click HERE.


Playing chamber music is my favourite pastime.  It’s a journey of friendship and fun, tempered with discipline and respect. Though each  instrument has its own voice in the musical conversation, hierarchy, balance, and choice of phrasing must be observed.  Individual players will at times be the soloist, a humble accompanist, or a team player. When the result is perfect harmony, the experience is sublime.