My private hell

To the non-believer heaven and hell are hypothetical spiritual concepts. What exactly is hell? There has been enough human cruelty during this millennium to for us to imagine how awful its theological counterpart can be. The adage that it is better to build a fence at the top of a cliff rather than to maintain an ambulance at the bottom drives earnest evangelists to warn us of the dangers of denying God that await unbelievers await in the afterlife,

Hell is sometimes called the place where there is no God. The thought of a complete separation from God destroys me, but since God is omnipresent, it’s His presence among the unrepentant that will be an unending torment. My own earthly hell is the lancinating fear of disappointing God – His divine regret that I put my hand to the plough in the heady days of summer but turned back when the going got easy.

Morphing into Mrs Comfortable Church-goer? I must not let it happen.



Posted by f.v.robb

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